
10-Minute Cardio Burst For Fast Metabolism

Short on time? I got you covered. This 10-minute cardio burst for fast metabolism is the only workout you need to do today!

This workout will get your heart pumping and leave you sweaty! I know how busy your schedule can get, but I also know you have 10-minutes to workout! So, no excuse! Get up and move with me!

Short and intense workouts like this will spike your heart rate and help you burn extra calories even once the workout is finished. This is a fantastic way to speed up your metabolism! Workouts like the one below are also kind of fun! You won’t get bored doing this one…

If you are looking for more home workouts, be sure to check out my home workout plans! Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, or start your fitness journey… I have a plan for you!

Try the cardio burst for fast metabolism!

Do each exercise for 40 seconds. Rest for 20 seconds. And then move on to the next exercise.

1. Oblique crunch x3 + Squat jump
2. Tap back knee
3. Surfers
4. Quick feet
5. Walk down push-up
6. Squat jack
7. Side shuffle
8. Skiers
9. Plank
10. Bear crawl

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